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A martial arts instructor has been left with half a skull
after a sinus infection spread around her brain. Natasha Gunther, of San Francisco, was forced to have surgery to remove
5.5inches of bone (14cm) to stop a mass pressing against her brain. She claimed doctors
told her she would be dead in a week without the surgery.The 25-year-old is now urging people not to write off their cold-like
symptoms as just a mild infection, and to see a specialist if they do not get better.Ms
Gunther’s life-changing ordeal began in late 2021, when she wrote
off her stuffy nose and blocked sinuses as just another infection.The
judo black belt was used to regularly getting ill from working with children, who she teaches martial arts to. But she became concerned when her condition did not
improve, despite being given antibiotics from her doctor.By December, Ms Gunther, who must now wear a helmet to protect her brain, was vomiting and
suffering migraines, which prompted her family to pressure her
to get a brain scan.It revealed a mass inside her skull, which forced doctors to cut out part of the bone on the right side of her head to relieve pressure on the brain.
When she caught her sixth sinus infection in a year in late 2021
she thought nothing of it and got antibiotics to clear it.
But it only got worse. When she went for scans, doctors
discovered it had spread into her head. A section of
her skull was removed (pictured after surgery) likely to
relieve pressure on the brain which can be fatal
Natasha Gunther, 25 (pictured before the operation), was used to regularly catching coughs and colds from working with children The removed 14cm (5.5inch) area of her skull is now in a freezer, and doctors are planning to try and put it back in next month.
If this fails, they will insert a 3D-printed piece of metal to replace the bone
Ms Gunther remained in hospital for five weeks after surgery and had
to learn how to speak again.She will not be able to do some
martial arts moves such as grappling — where you grip or seize your opponent — ever again. The removed bone is being stored in a freezer, and Ms Gunther hopes to undergo an operation to refit
it to her skull next month. RELATED ARTICLES
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Royal fans have begged Princess to ‚let them know she’s OK‘ as she shared a charity post online a month after her last
public outing.The mother-of-two, 43, posted a piece
of artwork to promote World Rhino Day on Instagram but was quickly flooded with comments by followers questioning
if she was alright. One concerned fan posted: ‚Princess, are you fine?‘,
while another wrote: ‚Hope you are well Princess Charlene.‘ The Olympian has
spent the past several months in being treated for an ear and throat infection she contracted in May, following a sinus lift and bone graft procedure she’d undergone prior to her
arrival in preparation for dental implants.As a result, the mother-of-two missed her 10 year wedding anniversary and is not expected to return to the principality
until October, after undergoing a ‚four-hour operation under general anaesthesia‘ in August – although it was not made clear whether this was linked to the sinus infection. Despite Charlene being admitted to hospital earlier this month
after a ’sudden collapse‘ rumours are rife that a rift with
Prince Albert, rather than health issues, is what’s keeping her away from Monaco. Princess Charlene of Monaco shared an awkward hug when she was finally reunited with her husband and children after almost three months apart It comes
as a friend said Charlene, who hasn’t been seen in Monaco since January, sees herself
as a ‚protector of the heirs‘ and not a royal.Speaking to , a source
close to the former Olympic swimmer said: ‚She sees herself as
the protector of the heirs, as opposed to the princess of Monaco‘. RELATED ARTICLES
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The friend added Charlene ‚only felt fully part of the family‘ after welcoming the
twins which gave her ‚a kind of security‘. ‚She’s incredibly involved and
protective …
in a very loving and providing kind of way, shunning other activities
to be with them and making sure that they’re kind of living a semi-normal life,‘ they added.
Charlene, who travelled to Thanda Safari in KwaZulu-Natal in January
to learn more about being done to help save rhinos from
poachers, shared a piece of artwork on World Rhino DayMeanwhile,
Prince Albert has been preparing for his wife’s return home after spending most of 2021 apart. In a previous
interview with People, he said Charlene
was ready to come home and has been joking that she
wants to clandestinely hop on a ship to make her way to Monaco. Earlier this month, he told the magazine:
‚She didn’t leave Monaco in a huff!
She didn’t leave because she was mad at me or at anybody else… She didn’t
go into exile. It was absolutely just a medical problem which had to
be treated.’He added that his wife had
planned to travel to South Africa to reassess her foundation’s work and to spend
time with her brother and friends.
Many royal fans commenting on the post begged the royal for an update on her
health and sent her get well soon messagesAlbert
admitted he ‚probably should have addressed‘ the rumours sooner, but was ‚concentrating on taking
care of the kids‘ and believed they would just ‚go away‘.’Of course it affects her,
of course it affects me,‘ he told the magazine.
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